Unreal Tournament - Sega Dreamcast
Unreal Tournament (Sega Dreamcast Games) The Skaarj war is over, but fighting between the different factions and the mysterious and bloodthirsty Phayder are escalating. A Tournament is held to officialize and contain competition; soon, this turns from a few gladiatorial combats between convicts into major public events and the biggest source of income for Liandri Corporation. Several factions will be competing in this year's tournament, each with their motives: you are a member of one of them, and must prove to be worthy of facing Xan Kriegor himself, mastering many weapons at your disposal, and confronting the most powerful computer AI to date - or your friends in multiplayer mode.
Unreal Tournament - Sega Dreamcast
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Product Details
Platform: Sega Dreamcast
Genre: FPS
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: 3/13/2001